Teaching Building Out of the Back
One set of progressions I've picked up that has helped me to teach building out of the back is as follows:
- Unopposed circulation patterns with backline and holding mid(s)
- cones set out to show the players EXACTLY where they should be
- unopposed patterns should be used consistently, but you can add in small variations, or reduce the amount of time you spend on them
- Backline and holding mid(s) start in offensive spacing vs. light pressure
- to encourage good spacing, backline and holding mid(s) dribble into small goals to 'score'
- backline must connect a set number of passes first. I usually start with 5.
- offensive players can finish on a goal with or without a GK
- to encourage good spacing, backline and holding mid(s) dribble into small goals to 'score'
- Ramp up the number of players pressuring as the backline improves, until the numbers look game-realistic
- Have the backline start in defensive spacing (closer together) to force them to expand
- Have the offensive players start with the ball to force them to win the ball, expand under pressure, and then build out
This has been a fairly robust formula for me, but the real trick is to figure out when to add in another element, or even take a step back to review. I've also tried to find the best time to add in the goalkeeper.